| This is the test data . Connecting width multiplier to A will work, but those connected to B will not wor
| Hello, No worries, your English is good. I just opened and tried your scene but it's working fine for me, I'm using the same version of Ornatrix and I was able to connect "dot_large.png" to the Width Multiplier parameter. Can you please record a video showing the issue? Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |
| Hellow. Thanks your quick reply thisi is vide http://bit.ly/2DEWHGv |
| It has the same content, but I tried it with a new scene. I will upload the movie again with commentary. http://bit.ly/2FKlmPA |
| Oh! I see the problem now, thank you for the video. We will look into this ASAP, I gonna get back to you once we have more information, thanks a lot. Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |
| Thanks. This problem does not occur in Maya software but only in Arnold. Perhaps there is a problem with the communication between Arnold and Ornatrix. Our project has stopped due to a fatal problem. Please let me know when you solve it. |
| Yes, we think this have to do with our Arnold translator. I will kep you updated. Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |
| Hi, This issue has been fixed on 14980 and up. Please give it a try. Thank you. Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |