
Title:Surface comb issue
Posted By:teddude75 ( Edward R Conry )
Date Created:23 May 2018



When I create a surface comb node and use the sink edit tool it works fine. But if I go to another node and then go back to the surface comb and try to add more sinks it give me an error "// Warning: Selected object needs to be a SurfaceCombNode!" I can edit the first sinks but I can't add. I'm using v2.1.3.15412

Steps to Reproduce:

Create a hair stack and add a surface comb. Add some sinks with the editing tool. Select another node like edit Guides and then go back to the surface comb and add a sink.

Hi Edward,

I can't reproduce this on build Can you try this build?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I can't find build but I'll use a nighlty

It still doesn't work. Here's a video

I think this message appears because you are moving between nodes with the Sink Editing Tool active. What happens if you first select the Comb node without the tool active, then activate the tool and create some sinks?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Yeah, I can't do anything. It gives me the warning // Warning: Selected object needs to be a SurfaceCombNode! //. My scene is very large or is it something to do with viewport 2.0. Or my graphic card? I tried it on a new scene with the default furball and I get the same error. It must be my settings or something.

Some how I got this error // Error: file: C:/Program Files/Ephere/Ornatrix for Maya/scripts/AETemplates/AESurfaceCombNodeTemplate.mel line 204: Object 'activateSinkOverrideButton' not found. //

I fixed it by importing a new mesh. I think it has something to do with painting multipling maps for length and surface comb becuase it adds extra attributes to the mesh. I didn't want the texture maps for length and comb but it left the attributes.

Attached Files:
Image 1

I can confirm this only happens if I select other nodes without droping the Sink Editing Tool, at least on Maya 2017. This should be just a warning and you should be able to use the tool after going back to the Comb operator and selecting the tool again.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I have the same issue i cannot fix it i tried what you said here, if i click the node then use the tool it just slects the geo and tells me there is an error. this is my log


OxAddStrandOperator "" "SurfaceCombNode";
// Result: SurfaceCombNode1 //
select -r SurfaceCombNode1 ;
// Warning: Selected object needs to be a SurfaceCombNode! //
select -r OxHairSystem1 ;

Which version are you using?

If you are using Ornatrix V1 in Maya 2018 the Sink Editing tool wont work correctly. WE cannot fix this in V1 unfortunately.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)