cut and paste from the text editor
select -r a52_paste:topiary_B ;
// Warning: file: //PATH CUT OUT FOR WEB/ornatrix/ornatrix_stable_2_1_7_16191/scripts/Stack/OxAssignHairShader.mel line 4: Unrecognized node type 'hairPhysicalShader'; preserving node information during this session. //
shadingNode -asShader VRayMtl;
// Result: VRayMtl1 //
sets -renderable true -noSurfaceShader true -empty -name VRayMtl1SG;
// Result: VRayMtl1SG //
connectAttr -f VRayMtl1.outColor VRayMtl1SG.surfaceShader;
// Result: Connected VRayMtl1.outColor to VRayMtl1SG.surfaceShader. //
shadingNode -asShader VRayMtl;
// Result: VRayMtl2 //
sets -renderable true -noSurfaceShader true -empty -name VRayMtl2SG;
// Result: VRayMtl2SG //
connectAttr -f VRayMtl2.outColor VRayMtl2SG.surfaceShader;
// Result: Connected VRayMtl2.outColor to VRayMtl2SG.surfaceShader. //
select -r Feathers1 ;
select -r MeshFromStrands1 ;
setAttr -type Int32Array MeshFromStrands1.usePerStrandMapping 1 1 ;
defaultNavigation -ce -source VRayMtl2 -destination MeshFromStrands1.shaderList[0];
connectAttr -force VRayMtl2.outColor MeshFromStrands1.shaderList[0];
// Result: Connected VRayMtl2.outColor to MeshFromStrands1.shaderList. //
defaultNavigation -ce -source VRayMtl1 -destination MeshFromStrands1.shaderList[1];
connectAttr -force VRayMtl1.outColor MeshFromStrands1.shaderList[1];
// Result: Connected VRayMtl1.outColor to MeshFromStrands1.shaderList. //