
Title:VrayOxHair - crashes Vray
Posted By:andyw ( Andrew Wilkoff )
Date Created:18 September 2018



using nightly

vray adv 36005 maya x64 28400

maya 2017 update 4

Gi Calculates but crashes on render

// Error: line 1: V-Ray : Exception [module=1] : Rendering region (192,144)-(216,168)

Steps to Reproduce:

using nightly

vray adv 36005 maya x64 28400

maya 2017 update 4

Gi Calculates but crashes on render

// Error: line 1: V-Ray : Exception [module=1] : Rendering region (192,144)-(216,168)


is this a vray or ornatrix thing?  I am using the VrayOxHair node from Ornatrix


Please use RenderSettings node to change hair strand width instead of ChangeWidth node. The later is not compatible with this verison of VRay, that´s why you get this error. Use the following MEL command to add the RenderSettings node: OxAddStrandOperator "" "RenderSettingsNode";

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

do I use both the vray node and the RenderSettings node?  and if that is what works in Vray why hide it in the interface?  can't you just detect what render and let the button on the shelf choose the right one?  also the node doens't update until it renders... (visual thickness)

If you use our VRay translator ChangeWidth node should work fine, otherwise, use RenderSettings. RenderSettings node has been deprecated and replaced by ChangeWidth, that's why RS is not found in the operator list or the shelf anymore.

"also the node doens't update until it renders... (visual thickness)"

RenderSettings or ChangeWidth?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

this is the point of my post.  I am using the Vray Translator with Change width and it crashes... not working fine.  For now I am using the old way.

Sorry for the confusion. To make it more clear, for older versions of VRay you should use RenderSettings node, for new versions use ChangeWidth.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)