
Title:OxAlembicExport - mel export issues
Posted By:andyw ( Andrew Wilkoff )
Date Created:28 September 2018




I am trying to automate the export of our fur to ornatrix abc so we can use them with Vray Proxy objects. I am constructing the command based off of the documentation (a few different ways, both in py and mel)

mel option 1

OxAlembicExport("\\disks\TMP\TMP_0000\img\anim.odd\ornatrix\","-ft", 1001, "-tt", 1002, "-s", 1, "-r",{"FurBallShape1"});

get this error
// Error: Cannot reserve progress window //


mel option 2

OxAlembicExport "\\disks\TMP\TMP_0000\img\anim.odd\ornatrix\" -ft 1001 -tt 1002 -s 1 -r {"FurBallShape1"};

get the same error
// Error: Cannot reserve progress window //


python (since its a command)

maya.cmds.OxAlembicExport('\\disks\TMP\TMP_0000\img\anim.odd\ornatrix\',furShapes, ft= 1001, tt=1002, s=1, r=True)

python error
# Error: RuntimeError: file <string> line 2: Cannot reserve progress window #

Am i doing something wrong?

Steps to Reproduce:

I am using maya 2018.4

ok there was a process window in the background that was causing the error, but now it just appears to hang.  the object is just a simple sphere with the default furball on it.

Pretty strange, I suppose it could be caused by the progress bar being active during the export. I'll give it a try in a bit.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)


yeah so the process is i run the scirpt (on the fur ball) if i haven't run it before the process window pops up and it appears to hang.  if I try to close the window or escape out ... it doens't really stop.  if i close that process window (hit the X) and run the mel again i get the process window warning... either way somthing is not right???  could UNC paths be an issue?

AHHHHH 'F$#UDCK ME'  the slashes where the wrong way in my path... ignore my stupidness.

No worries :)

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)