Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:25 February 2024
New: Renderman 25 support
New: Changing the groom directory in textbox updates the grooms list
Fixed: The selection brush stops working correctly if 'Affect Selected Only' is enabled
Fixed: Crash with proxy meshes when input hair doesn't have a distribution mesh
Fixed: Crash when importing some MetaHuman Alembic grooms
Fixed: Guides close to UV edges will flicker on animation when texture islands are present
Fixed: Guide clumping not working in some imported grooms
Fixed: Scatter operator groom export failure with Arnold procedural
Fixed: Length mask doesn't work with Scattering
Fixed: Crash when `importing` the default Hair from Curves preset as BakedHair data
Fixed: Clean plug from Guides from Curves when curve is deleted, thus updating it in the scene
Fixed: Arnold procedural missing motion blur with animated base object

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)