Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:11 August 2015
+ Added: Ability to toggle "Render Settings" operator on/off
+ Added: Allow items in hair stack dialog to be renamed
+ Added: Hair stack dialog aesthetic improvements
+ Added: Add a sink creation and editing mode to SurfaceCombNode
+ Added: Right click contextual editing mode switching for GuidesShape
+ Added: Ability to delete non-operator/conversion nodes in the hair stack
+ Added: GuideShape add ability to create and delete root or vertex data channels
+ Added: Ability to insert nodes after currently selected operator in hair stack
* Fixed: Crash on OS X when trying to add hair to selection
* Fixed: Hair stack which terminates with a MeshFromStrandsNode is not displayed
* Fixed: Adding Mesh from Strands node should turn off display of HairShape if it is under the same transform
* Fixed: Hair rendered in viewport does not respect assigned material

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)