Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:25 April 2016
+ New: Maya 2016 Ext2 support on Windows
+ New: Added serialization of baked guide and hair data with Maya scenes
+ New: Hair shells operator
+ New: "Collapse to current" option in hair operator stack, allowing baking of guides, hair, and meshes
* Fixed: "Affect selected only" doesn't work in brushing mode
* Fixed: Control points are not displayed for non-selected guides
* Fixed: The stack panel must not switch to a different stack on deselection
* Fixed: Crash when using Hair from Mesh Strips output with Ground Strands node
* Fixed: Operators getting evaluated many times causing unnecessary slow-downs
* Fixed: Hair cluster node crashes when file map is assigned to multiplier
* Fixed: Hair from mesh strips uses incorrect space, adding new strips adds them in wrong position
* Fixed: Resizing selection brush alters selection
* Fixed: OxSaveGroom crashes before stack panel is open
* Fixed: Integer attributes are saved incorrectly into template files
* Fixed: Hair from mesh strips strip arrows don't update when rotation is changed
* Fixed: BakedHair shape does not update the hairs after distributionMesh input changes

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)