Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:24 August 2017
New: GuidesFromHair generate Strand Groups when used with HairFromMeshStrips
Fixed: Hair thickness changes with Strand Group ids in Arnold renders for non 0 groups
Fixed: Turning OFF "Use Strand Groups" after deleting the "Groups" channel will crash Maya
Fixed: Opening a scene with cached roots and guide interpolation set to 2 produces incorrect hair
Fixed: Assert Failer error when changing to Face Center Distribution in GuidesFromMesh.
Fixed: Error: "Assert failed (7): strandIndex < surfaceDependency_.size() //" When creating GuidesFromHair
Fixed: Distribution icons in HFG appear inside HFMS and vice versa
Fixed: Allow GuidesFromHair to update when the amount of hair is changed
Fixed: TransferNormals operator does not update automatically
Fixed: Surface Comb causing guides jumping
Fixed: GuideCluster causes hair artifacts when using a high Point Count value
Fixed: Crashes when loading old scenes with remember roots on and modified interpolation guide count
Fixed: Crash when switching to Uniform distribution and a single root in Propagation operator

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)