Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:16 November 2018
New: Hiding hairs with Edit Guides works
New: Control the Amount parameter in Edit Guides using a Ramp Curve
New: Ability to control Edit Guides Amount with a texture map
New: Multiplier node: Added an option to keep the source strand instact
Fixed: Crash when turning off HFG with guides which have uneven vertex count
Fixed: Assertion when GFM doesn't have a valid input mesh
Fixed: MeshFromStrands: Scatter Channel not working
Fixed: MeshFromStrands: Shader list disappear when switching to Edit Guides
Fixed: Deleting hairs using EG causes an exception
Fixed: EditGuides: Maya should go back to object selection mode when exiting Brush Edit Mode
Fixed: Multiplier node: The Preserve Strand Lengths option creates artifacs
Fixed: Clump region texture map can have hairs jumping from one to another
Fixed: The Hair Shape is locked after running a first render with Arnold
Fixed: Moov node creates a different simulation when pressing Play vs dragging the timeline
Finished adding support for Maya's new parallel evaluation pipeline

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)