Guides disappear when adding a HairFromGuides

Posted by:Gcrout1030
Data created:5 February 2019

So I'm trying to transfer my XGen grooms to Ornatrix, I converted the primitives to curves, deleted 70% of them and converted the curves to guides using the GuidesFromCurves node and when I add a HairFromGuides node, everything disappears. I'm following the same workflow as   Thanks in advance for the help


I figured out a workaround. Go to edit guides, strand mode, and import multiple. I don't know why Ornatrix promotes the hairfromcurves method, because it's unstable. But glad they provided multiple ways to import curves


If you are using and old build of Ox this method should work just fine, just make sure to ground strands by selecting a new Distribution Mesh in GroundStrands operator, then click Attach Roots button.

If you are using the latest nightly build, there is a bug with the new display mode that cause the hairs to disappear from the viewport, we are working to fix this on the next nightly build. If that is your case, select the hair shape in the hair stack, in the attribute editor go to Hair Display and switch from OptimizedMesh to Mesh.

However, there is an easier way to transfer hair from xGen to Ornatrix:

1) Follow the video until step 2,

2) Create a hair object on your character,

3) Right click on the top operator on the stack and select Collapse up to here. This should create a BakedHair operator,

4) In the BakedHair operator you can load the xGen Alembic file.

You can use this method to transfer Ox hair to any host, grooms between characters or grooms between Ornatrix and any other hair tool that suports Alembic.

BakedHair operator documentation here:

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Anothe reason why the hair may not be generated is if you are using a UV based distribution method but your distribution mesh does not have UVs. In that case, turn OFF Interpolate Guides in UV Space. This option is inside Hair From Guides.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)