Moov Physics Problems

Posted by:ichi
Data created:7 February 2019

Can you help me with this problems?

1. How can I improve the moov physics collissions?
I have collision tolerance in 0.8 and substep count 30
I changed collision tolerance to 3 but nothing change to much...

2. If I see the hair animation on viewport, it works, but, when I render it looks awful.

Attached Files:
Image 1Image 2


Try increasing the particle size.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)


the particle radius?

and what can I do about render?

Attached Files:
Image 1Image 2

Yes, Particle Radius.

I suspect the problem in render is that you are applying Moov on top of HairFromGuides. In your scene Moov is only affecting the Viewport Hair Count, which is different than the render count, so the rest of the hair is not being animated. So solve this increase the viewport hair count to 100%. To avoid this Moov should be always use below HairFromGuides to simulate the guides that will move all the hair independently of the hair amount in viewport and render.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)