Constrain hair tie/ponytail to a simulated groom, Curve from Strands Error.

Posted by:Hannah
Data created:8 October 2019

Hi there,

I'm doing a test where the overall mass of hair has movement but it's tired in a pony tail. In context, my character is running who has a big viking beard with a pony tail at the end of it.

I'm wanting to find a way to constrain the hair tie to the simulated hair. My main groom is created from curves.

I thought using "Curves from strands", will allow me to constrain hair tie and follow the movement of the sim.


Following the doc on how to use it:

"Once the curves are selected in the Outliner go to the Attribute Editor and switch to CurvesFromStrands* tab. Here you will see the two buttons which will allow you to separate or copy the curves."

I get this error when I select either of Seperate Curves and Copy Curves:

// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2018/scripts/others/firstParentOf.mel line 75: The node 'MeshFromStrands2' is not a DAG node.

I might be using it incorrectly.


Not sure if this is the right approach and if there are other suggestions?




So I've managed to get the "Curve from Strand" to work, go into the shape node and select the specific curve I want. It's me misusing it, sorry about that.

Now I've constrained the hair tie to the curve using a locator at the end of the curve, works fine. But I can't render the hair back to before unless I delete the "Curve from Strand" node, which breaks the connection.


I think my next approach will be using an external guide to drive the other groom then convert that external guide to a curve and attach the hair tie, but if I only use 1 I get an error asking me for atleast 3.

Will need to experiment abit further.