Swap from Anim rig to CFX groom rig .. Maya Crash.

Posted by:matthewb
Data created:24 October 2019

Our CFX rig is a Blendshape driven grow mesh. guides from mesh. 


We are driving the grow meshes using a blendshape from the skinned mesh.  In Scene. all the grooms follow perfectly, but once it is animated. when we save the scene, and open it again maya crashes. when we open the scene with the anim rig and swap to the groom CFX rig. Maya crashes.  the CFX rig itself is stable and can be animated in scene and is stable until we save close and re open.

Ornatrix. version   Ornatrix Release built with Visual C++ 1916, Autodesk Maya 2019.1 win64

[Error ] [t 32340] [tid 5320 ] [M 2345932] [Ephere::UnhandledExceptionFilter] \Ephere\NativeTools\SystemToolsMsw.cpp(1161): error: Unhandled exception in worker thread
[Error ] [t 32340] [tid 2700 ] [M 2345932] [Ephere::UnhandledExceptionFilter]

[Error ] [t 33020] [tid main ] [M 2351480] [Ephere::UnhandledExceptionFilter] [_01:HairFromGuides2] \Ephere\NativeTools\SystemToolsMsw.cpp(1165): error: Unhandled exception, wrote dump file to C:\Users\PATRIC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OrnatrixMaya.dmp

We are in DG mode. 

if we animate the CFX rig, everything works .. very stable.  but after we save and close then open it again.. Maya hangs and crashes. 

Thanks for the help

Attached Files:

>OrnatrixCrashBug.JPG (21498 bytes),



GuidesFromMeshNode    "remember root positions" must be checked on, otherwise, the above issue will persist. 

Can you try with the most recent Ornatrix build? If the problem persist after updating, share the OrnatrixMaya.dmp file generated after the crash. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Oh, I solved it.. check my comment above. 

