the Symmetry operator on a skinning deformation mesh causes hair styling to explode

Posted by:oakcorp
Data created:24 December 2019

Using the Symmetry operator on a skinning deformation mesh causes hair styling to explode when Maya resumes or animates.

"Remenber Root Positions" is done in HairFromGuide above the Symmetry operator.

Is the attached Operators Stack wrong?
Is there a way to solve it?


Attached Files:
Image 1

This sounds like a bug with the Symmetry operator. Can you send me the scene for testing? Please send a simplified version of the scene to jeordanis.f (at) ephere . com. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Is this what you meant? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)