Best aproach for layering fur?

Posted by:fernandospirit
Data created:24 April 2020


What do you suggest/best approach for layer fur?

Like a bear and 1 uv set.

On the nose, would be one type of fur and around the body would be a different one, around the eyes a different one and so on.

Best way would be create different Ornatrix nodes for each section.  or try mix over paiting areas with one single node?

thanks in advance :)


I would separate the body, head, tail and lengs. To differentiate areas like the eyes from the nose and mouth I would use a variety of texture maps and strand channels. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis,

Separate body and head. Do you mean in different Ornatrix nodes or a single node with different maps?
This would be for an animated character.
If I have many nodes, I would have to reconnect all parts for every shot. Like 4 characters x 3 parts number of shots.
It would be like 12 connections per shot.

Thanks for reply

I meant in separate Ornatrix hair objects, not nodes. And I'm sure you will need maps for each hair object too. 

I'm not sure what you mean with "reconnect all the parts for every shot". The different hair objects can be hidden if not needed on a particular shot.  

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks! I will try layer textures.

Reconnected, I mean with animation if there is a collision.  So for each part would need cache


Thanks :)