Redshift Render secrets

Posted by:StudioLocal
Data created:9 June 2020

Hi there. Trying to improve render times. Is there any particular redshift render parameters Ornatrix likes? My character only has about 200000 hairs and the render performance is not what I'd expect on a  4x  RTX 2020 rysen render box. I'm using brute force X brute force as that's what I've typically used on other hair systems to get the noise out. Don't want to sound negative. I'm very impressed with ornatrix. Just looking for faster renders.

Thanks !


That's a good question. I have a single 2080ti and it renders pretty fast, with usally 150k or 200k hair strands. I'm not an expert on rendering and I only know the basics of Redshift though, I will investigate. Can you try without "Brute Force" and tell me the results in both cases? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Also, we have to differentiate between render times and scene translation time. Sending the hair to the renderer can take some time, dependinng on the hair density. This will improve when we develop our own hair procedural. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I have tried with no GI at all and speeds didn't improve. Yeti seems faster at this. I think I am finding that the IPR viewer is much much faster than 'bucket' rendering with not a huge quality improvement. Bucket rendering seems slow so it cant all be down to translations. I have 4x RTX 2080ti's and I'm getting 8 minute renders with a basic groom. I don't know ornatrix very well so I'm certain this is down to user error and I'll like to eliminate that. Happy to pitch in and help with render settings in RS. Is there an Espere scene we can share to compare results? something you guys use for testing or just a hairball should do it. The files in the example download area look very very old. What I have seen of the tools and workflow Ornatrix looks the shiznit.