Strand Group missing & randomly changing

Posted by:siberia99
Data created:2 January 2022

Hello Smile

Happy new year Innocent, but after reopening a file: my strand group disappeared for the most part and those remaining are randomly modified CryThe file has remained unchanged since then. Is there a file containing information from Ornatrix strand groups anywhere? Undecided

Thank You!

Ok, it would seem that some paths concerning the multiplier and displacement offset distributions are broken but it is fixed with the original maps so I don’t understand where the problem comes from. Is it possible to export strand group information? <span>Or should I start my strand group configuration again? </span>


Did you update Ornatrix while working on this project? The strand groups are stored in the scene, not in a separate file. Is not possible to export this information.

This can be a bug but it also can happen if you use a multiplier map in Guides from Mesh, create Strand Groups using Edit Guides above Guides from Mesh, and then modify the multiplier map. Modifying the Multiplier map will recompute the guides generated by Guides from Mesh, which will recompute the groups as well. If this is not the case, please provide us a simplified version of your scene for debugging. Attach it here or on Discord(private chat). 


Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)