Ornatrix to xgen Maya

Posted by:smartlys
Data created:27 May 2022

Hello. I have a question. I do my hair with Mesh Strips. How can I port this to Xgen? I know it's possible to convert this to Curves , but that doesn't work because the hair doesn't render correctly in Xgen. or am I doing something wrong.


You generated Ornatrix hair from mesh strip and now you want to convert it to xGen hair, correct? The only way I can think of doing this is converting the hairs to curves, then using those curves to generate xGen hair. Unless xGen can import Alembic curves as hairs. If that is the case you can export the Ornatrix hair as Ornatrix Alembic and then import it into xGen. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)