Hi,firt apologize for my Enghlsi.Here is my questions about Ornatrix.
I use Hair From Curves to generate Hair. After that I Set distribution mesh for geo_A whcih was animated and All hair node will follow it .But when I diattach root and Set distribution mesh for geo_B which also was animated and all hair nodes won't follow it. I don't understand ..Could anybody can help me out ?
If I understad correctly, you have the hair roots grounded to an animated mesh, then you detach the roots and select a different animated mesh, is that correct?
Hi, Yes, that's correct. But when I select a different animatred mesh,hair will not follow it. The different is geo_A is an ABC file imported from other scene and geo_B was animated inside the scence.Did I miss something to check?
As mentionned above, when you generate hairs from spline curves, the curves have to be parented to the distribution mesh.
Also, the guides can be exported as Ornatrix Alembic format, you don't have to export them as curves. They can then be easily grounded to any mesh inn the BakedHair or BakedGuides node generated when you import them or using Ground Strands.