Animation does not work in new Orantrix V4

Posted by:hitoffskiy
Data created:27 April 2023

 Hello, Could you help me please? 

I can't render animation mesh/emitter with Ornatrix fur correctly in new V4. 

1. Here's a video from Oranatrix V3. In this case all works correctly/perfect! - 

2. Here is video of my problem - 

When blendShape is applied, the guides begin to "dance" in the area of UV seams.

3. I changed tangent compute mode to "FirstEdge", re-import all my guides in EditGuides modificator... But! When I adding smoothModificator on the top, then it collapse everything -

4. Why is V3 used for Tangent compute mode "FristEdge" by a standart ? And V4 using "TextureCoordinates" ? -

I'm sorry if I wrote anything wrong... Can you tell me how to fix it? 


Thanks for your report. Please send me a minimal version of this scene for testing and we will look into this asap. You can DM me the scene on Discord or via email: jeordanis .f (at)

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Here is test/simply scene for maya 2022 and ornatrix Maya_2022_4_4.1.0.32351 - link to maya scene - link to small video about this error

I tested on build 32464 but I can't reproduce it. Try with the latest build and if the problem persist send me the scene shown in the video. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hello, I tested with latest Ornatrix build 32464 and maya 2022 doesent works too. Here is my scene on google drive -

I understand why you can not reproduce my error.

1. For tangentComputeMethod - TextureCoordinate.

When you using standart maya polySphere with standart UV it works good, because standart sphere's UV has only 1 piece/shell (doesnt cuted on parts). But in animation production we use complicate UV for characters (cutted to many UV shells) and with this data "tangentComputeMethod - TextureCoordinate" doesent works good. Appears dancing guides in animation.

2. For tangentComputeMethod - FirstEdge. Everything works fine until you assign "SmoothSurface" to Orantrix stack.

Have you tried the other two options (Geodesic and Object Space)?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Also, are you applying Smooth Surface before or after generation of hair strands? Please note that it should be added at the top of the stack.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

The issue with Smooth Surface operator changing the result when First Edge option is used has been resolved in the upcoming nightly (32533+), please try it when its out.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

One other additional fix I'd recommend is reserving a texture channel (the first one) for the tangent calculation. On this channel just unwrap the mesh using a global method which avoids creating many texture islands.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hi, Yes in last build everything works good/nice) Thank you so much guys!

Hello, sorry, I have a question about "One other additional fix I'd recommend is reserving a texture channel (the first one) for the tangent calculation. On this channel just unwrap the mesh using a global method which avoids creating many texture islands." I create UVset "map1" for tangent calculation (without UV seams) and second UVset1 for shading/texturing. And now I can not apply my texture color to groom. Please can you answer how to do this correctly? I choosed in HairFromGuides - UVSet - my UVset for shading but in some reasons Ornatrix used my first UVset for tangent calculation

Right, only the very first set will be used for tangent calculation. I suppose we should have some option to allow selecting the UV set. The one assigned in Hair from Guides will only apply to distribution inside HFG and nothing else. I'll think about it some more and log it as a feature.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)