how to work with minimal guides with bunch of hair strands

Posted by:seanE1
Data created:19 September 2023


I would like to work with hair strands controlled by minimal guides but if I create guides with Create Brush on a plane, I get a single hair strand per  guide.  Is there a way to create more hair strands per guide when I use Create Brush? I was able to get more hairs strands per guide by creating another HairFromGuides node.  Is this how Ornatrix suppose to work? or am I missing something?




To use the hair interpolation capabilities of Hair from Guides you have to add the guides to an Edit Guides node below it:

  • Add Edit Guides below Hair from Guides,
  • Add Guides in Edit Guides,
  • Hair from Guides will use these guides for hair interpolation.


Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)