Refactoring V3 graphs to work in V4

Posted by:StudioLocal
Data created:24 January 2024

Hi there. We have some feathered birds built in v3, using a lot of custom attributes ect. Can anyone help me rebuild the v3 graphs to work in v4 ? Thx!


What part is not working? Is there something specific that is not working when loading a V3 groom on V4?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis. Thanks for your reply.

the feathered characters crash maya 2023 + V4 + redshift. This combination works fine with a v4 basic furball test and i can render a frame. The feathered character also renders fine in Maya 2020 + v3 + RS Which was the combination the birds were built in.

We dont have anyone in house that knows how to build with yeti. This was executed by a freelancer who is now unavailable to us. I’m trying to recruit another. where is the best repository of information on how to pipe the new v4 sampler nodes into the v3 graph? What nodes replace what and how they work with custom attributes ? in the documentation ? Or is there a video walkthru? 

hey just want to say youve no doubt figured it out long ago but I posted this in the wrong forum. I've been bouncing in and out of Yeti / ornatrix forums trying to establish a new pipeline path for some feathered characters