Having problem assign arnold aiStandardHair shader to Strand hair in Maya 2024

Posted by:pandasmart
Data created:5 January

Hi Ephere team.

I used to be able to  assign and view the aiStandardHair shader to strand hair in arnold render view, at that time, the versions I useis as folllowed:

Maya 2024.2,  Ornatrix4.1.2 , MtoA 5.3.4

Then, when I try to upgrade my Ornatrix plugin to the latest version (4.2.5), I could no longer view the aiStandardHair shader from the arnold render view. (as in the attached screnshot, the strand hair around the ball is gone when I switch the viewport to arnold)

Attached Files:

>ornatrix_in_arnold.PNG (103063 bytes), >ornatrix_in_viewport.PNG (94406 bytes),

Hi Just want to add some more details to this issue.

the way I assign the aiStandardHair shader is:

1. select the strand hair shape node from operation stack

2. right click the hair in viewport and select "assign new material"

3. choose the aiStandardHair shader to assign

Then after I applied the change, I can see a new aiStandardHair shader is added in Hypershape window

but when I click on the strand hair shape node (as in the screenshot), the Arnold attribute is empty

Does that mean the material is created but not assigned to the strand hair? how could I fix that?

Thank you

here's the screenshot

Attached Files:

>arnold_is_empty.PNG (164362 bytes),

Ah, turns out I need to use Mtoa 5.4


Ivan Kolev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

E-mail: ivan.kolev at ephere dot com

Discord: ikolev