So I have another question as I'm trying to figure out how to go about this.
I want to plant guides like the images. I want the guides on each colored row to be the same length.
It would make sense to split it up like top and bottom so that I can perform a comb on the botttom guides and style the top guides irrespective of the bottom guides. The parting line is also something I'm interested in learning about. I have found that I can change the interpolation settings so should I just add more guides along the parting line to get better control? Or is there another way to create a parting line?
Then I want to know what my options are when it comes to the hair strands being too angular. Do I just add a detail node and crank that up?
I found that Smoothing Amount set to 1 and Smoothing Point Count of 5 looks good. Is this the right way to go about it?
Lastly, what is a good render count to use for a human head. Default comes as 10000 in the HairFromGuides1 > Render Count value.
What do I need to look into achieving this?