The frizz operator alters the length of the hair (quite drastically), is there an option to maintain length?
Hi Magilla,
Normaly, the Frizz Operator bend every hair strand along their length without altering their length... Can you please upload an image?
Best Regards,
Jeordanis F.
Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)
frame 1: frizz off
frame 2: frizz on, amount 1, scale 1
frame 3: frizz on, amount 0, scale 10
frame 3: frizz on, amount 1, scale 10
Do you have a Gravity Operator on top of the Frizz Operator by any chance? If that's the case, That could be the reason this is happening.
so you can't use frizz and gravity together?
yes, you can. You just have to use the Gravity operator under the Frizz operator.
ah, of course - thank you
No problem. :)