Curve ID

Posted by:Fsuung
Data created:4 February 2017
I recently saw a render tutorial from Arvid Schneider in which he use a curve_ID to generate random white hairs. He uses the aiDataFloat from arnold. But. he needs the curve_ID from xgen.
Is the a way to extract this information from ornatrix maya?

link to the video

Hi Fabian,

Not at this moment, but  we are working to give Ornatrix access to the Arnold and Renderman attributes. I will keep you posted.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks Jeordanis...I will be waiting for the update:D

Hi Fabian,

It seems like I forgot about this thread, sorry about that. I just wanted to tell you that I was wrong, Ornatrix export Curve ID and UV data by default to all the supported renderers, the ability to use this will depend on the shader and renderer. I can confirm this works with Arnold and VRay.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Btw, you don't have to change anything to get this data, Ornatrix will export this data by default.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hello Jeodanis Figuereo!
A new update came out today that has this function, right? But how does it work? What Hair ID does Renderman understand? Do I need to enable something on Ornatrix for Renderman to understand this Hair ID?

Hello Animuz,

I'll investigate this and get back to you soon, I'll also add this to the documentation.


Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Animuz, in the PrxHairColor node set the prim var name to "index".


Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks! That helped a lot! Thanks for the attention and quick answer!!

Sorry about bringing an old thread back to life, but I was curious about how to access curve ids for rendering with Arnold with the updated shaderws in Arnold 5.  The video above uses the alShaders on an older version, looks like.  Would you still be using the aiUserDataFloat, and is the attribute name "curve_id" valid for Ornatrix?

Hi Patrick,

aistandardHair shader should be compatible with Ornatrix UVs and strand IDs by default. You don't need to set any custom attributes. The shader should have controls to add stray hairs, random color, etc and they should work with Ornatrix.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

The aiStandardHair shader in Arnold 5 has a melanin randomization attribute that indeed renders on a per curve basis, but I don't see any other attributes on the shader that would let you do something similar to the video above, where it would let you add say 10% of the curves to be a different color.  This is why I was thinking of how to get the curve ID's out into some kind of control/node tree that would let you customize shader attributes based on the curve IDs.

Or basically, using the aiStandardHair shader in Arnold 5, how would you tell it to randmly choose 5-10% of the hairs to turn into a different color?

I see. We are talking about exporting custom render attributes. This is on the works, it is already implemented in Redshift, as you can see in the following link. Right now the only option is to use the stray parameter to add white hairs.

Render Attributes. Redshift:

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis,


Would you be able to go into a bit of detail on how to get stray hair color using the 'GenerateStrandData' node in Redshift?