It's incredibly disapointing to see that after only a year since the first release I'll no longer have access to general product updates without spending another $250. As the product has devoloped over the past year I feel I've ran into almost every bug and crash in the software, and the stability and usability updates are a big deal in my expectations when I bought Ornatrix. Are these expesive minor updates going to become a regular pattern for this software? The software is a lot less valuable of an asset when it becomes a yearly subscription model at that cost.
I feel misled by the purchasing option.
For the updates, It looks like the primary improvement is the start of a working physics system. The physics system in the max version was one of the reasons I risked adopting Ornatrix on release. The current implimentation has never lived up to expectatons. I've not been able to use it reliably in my work. I'm testing it out now, however the cost point offsets any excitement I have.