Hello Ephere,
I was looking for a replacement for the current fur engine I was using on maya and I stumbled on Ornatrix today, I could try it for a bit and I really like how clean and effective the different tool work (brush is really confortable).
there is just a catch that I don't really understand about Ornatrix,
For exemple, why is the Operators Stack a linear workflow ? I played a bit with the node editor of maya and ornatrix, and I found out that, with the right node, could manage to handle a non linear workflow (like Yeti or Houdini engine do) + a 2d graph based UI instead of a node stack.
I also digged a bit in the provided SDK, could compile and try the provided sample with success, and I wanted to try to make an ornatrix Node capable of accepting 2 Input Guides to merge them together, this is a node I really need in my workflow (to separate different part of the groom independantly, and to also import a groom from one ornatrix HairSystem to another proceduraly), but I couldn't find the maya Plug data .header that would accept a GuidesData or HairData, would it be possible to have access to a simple ornatrix node source code that would echo an input to the output ?
having the ability to make my own node for an hair system is what I really liked about ornatrix, as it give virtually no limit to what is possible, and I would not wait a single second to buy Ornatrix if my '2 input groom merge' node work !
Thanks for anwser !