Couple of pre-purchase questions...

Posted by:patrickvp
Data created:20 April 2018

Hello, I'm currently evaluating Ornatrix as a fur/feather solution for our studio and so far I'm liking what I see.   I do have a few questions though:

1.  Per our current pipeline, we would be saving Maya files with Ornatrix nodes saved directly in them, which would then be referenced into our lighting scenes.  How would the lighters experience look from a licensing standpoint if there are no floating licenses available.  They would not be changing the hair itself, as they would just be setting up lights and render layers.  Would they get an actual pop-up window saying its going into demo mode?  Or would they just get a printed warning in the script editor (less invasive).  By extension, when they go to save their lighting scene, would they get the "Ornatix nodes can't be saved in demo mode" panel?  Or just another printed warning?  Mainly wondering if we need to have licenses just for our asset artists, or if additional licenses would be needed for lighters, even though they would not be actively modifying the hair.

2.  I assume the full version installation files behave in a similar way to how the demo installed, where you could choose which versions of Maya you want to install it for.  We are slow to move forward with Maya versions due to pipeline updates.  We are beginning to use 2017 for new projects, but we have a number of legacy projects where we still use 2015.  The demo version allowed for installing both versions, so I assume the full version allows the same thing.

3.  Do you have any kind of time-locked demo that DOES allow you to save with Ornatrix nodes?  I'd like to be able to run a sample scene through our renderfarm to see how our farm handles it.  (I think I know the answer, but have to ask anyway)  Otherwise are your tutorial files "render-ready?"  If so I might be able to download those and try to push them through the farm using your demo installer...

I feel like I had a few other questions that I can't remember at the moment, naturally...



Glad to hear you like Ornatrix so far.

1. How would the lighters experience look from a licensing standpoint if there are no floating licenses available.

In 3dsmax the lighting or rigging team can work with the demo version without getting any pop up as long as they don't modify the hair, however I have to verify if this works the same in Maya because Ox will check for a license when the plugin is loaded. I will let you know.

2. The demo version allowed for installing both versions, so I assume the full version allows the same thing.

Correct, that's how it works.

3. Do you have any kind of time-locked demo that DOES allow you to save with Ornatrix nodes?

Yes, I can set up one or two evaluation licenses so you can test Ornatrix properly. Do you want me to assign it to this account?

Feel free to drop more questions any time.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks for such a quick response!

Yes an evaluation license would be great (and yes, you can send it to this account).  I might not be able to get to far into it until Monday, if there are time concerns.  I have our IT guy putting the demo on the farm today.

Geat. The evaluation license will last one month, so maybe we should wait until Monday?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Works for me.  Thats actually much longer than I expected, but will be most welcome.  I have a number of "theoretical" test scenes I'd like to try.  Also, we use Arnold for rendering (specifically MtoA).  I've been able to render interactively using the demo copy, so I want to put it through its paces on the farm.  Thanks so much!  Will check in on Monday!