rendering ornatrix hair in katata via arnold

Posted by:hiro_510
Data created:24 June 2018


How can I render ornatrix hair in katana via arnold?

ornatrix can export hair to alembic(abc) and import it as V-Ray Proxy for rendering.

Is the same way possible with mtoa(arnold)?
For example, importing ornatrix abc with standin or maya's gpu cache, etc?
In the case of using katana, How about it?

Best Regards,

Hi Hiro,

Sorry for the delayed reply. Yes, Ornatrix have his own Alembic exporter that you can use to export to any renderer or application that supports Alembic. I haven't used Katana before but I guess is easy to figure out how to import the file. You can also export Ornatrix hair as Proxy using Arnold, Redshift, VRay, etc...

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)