Clumping hair from mesh strips

Posted by:yasinh
Data created:9 July 2018


What's the workflow for clumping hair from mesh strips? By default, adding a clump operator it gives this warning:

Could not find a suitable output to wire into Clump1.inputHairGuides

Even by adding a Ground Strands before clump operator it does not make a difference either. 

If this is not an option it would be great to have the mesh strips center be the center of clumps, primarily. Of course making the ground strands work, can be pretty handy as well. 

The Clump operator needs topology information to work. Are you grouding the Hair From Mesh Strips to a distribution mesh? You can also use the deprecated HairCluster node on Hair strips to create clumps. This operator is no longer on the shelf but you can use the following MEL command: OxAddStrandOperator "" "HairClusterNode";

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Yes, I grounded the hair to distribution mesh and also used the HairCluster but none is working. I've attached a sample scene. 

Hair from mesh strip is a very handy grooming approach that can facilitate many tasks, so it would be very useful to make it work seamlessly with rest of other operators. 

Attached Files:

> (65935 bytes),

Looks like the cluster node is actually working! I need to play more with it... It's quite limited in the options it provides.

Yet, the main issue with clump node remains. 

To make the Clumper and GroundStrands work you use to use them in the right other.

First, you are using GroundStrands on top of MeshFromStrands, this way you are trying to ground mesh, not strands. 

Second, Clump needs hairs or guides information but in your scene you are giving him mesh information. You have to use it under MeshFromStrands. 

The last thing is that you have to make sure the hair strips are pointing the right direction using the Mesh Strips Editing Tool in MeshFromStrands and using the Rotate button to find the correct position or use UV orientation. The roots of the hair strips have to be pointing towards the distribution mesh.

You can find more info about hair strips in our documentation, including some videos:

Fixing those points will ensure your scene works well. I´m attaching the fixed scene here so you can test yourself.



Attached Files:

>clump_bug(Fixed).mb (95692 bytes),

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks for the explanation Jeordanis. It's working fine.