We just finished up a huge project using Ornatrix version 2.1.5x (hope to provide a link in a week or two). Now with some free time, I was just upgrading our studio so we can use the latest 2.1.9x version moving forward. Ornatrix seems to behave fine until I go to save a scene, then I get a warning that "Ornatrix data will not be saved because the plugin is running in Deomnstration mode." It does save the scene with Ornatrix nodes in it, but reloading the scene has all the nodes reset to their default state, so all the styling is removed. The plugin seems to be licensing correctly and it doesn't warn about being in demo mode until it is time to save. We restarted out license server and that did not fix the issue.
I can roll back to using 2.1.5x and it licenses and behaves normally.