dynamics add-on after approved asset

Posted by:matts
Data created:22 December 2018

Hi there,

I have an approved assset already rendered for a commercial (Kiwi Bird). It's fairly a complicated stack, lots of nodes and I can't turn nodes on/off without the final hair to mesh node being removed from the stack (I am not sure why)

Time forced me to move forward using it the way it is. It has rendered fine, but I have now been asked to add some wind FX to the groom. I have unsuccessfully tried adding the moov into it as yet. 

Is there any way I could make a nother groom with dynamic guides and link those to my existing Kiwibird?

Thanks for any advice. 

Sure, have you tried using the Adopt External Guides operator? You can drive your approved groom's hair with a set of external guides.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks again Marsel, That looks exactly like what I am after. 

Hi! It appears this node isn't working in a fresh Maya scene:

// Error: line 1: Cannot find procedure "OxAEGUpdateControlGuidesGui". // 

Ahh, nevermind, I just found the same bug in defect reports. I'll update Ornatrix version and check everything still renders.