
Title:Arnold for Maya support
Posted By:vturchin ( Vadim Turchin )
Date Created:28 February 2016

Adding native Arnold for Maya support on top of Vray.

Follow Ups

Arnold for Maya support is there but only for OSX and Linux at the moment. There is a bug in Arnold on Windows which causes it to crash when rendering Ornatrix hair. Solid Angle promised a fix in a month or so, it could be worth emailing them to ask the status of it.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I asked SolidAngle about it.  Here is their response 

"I'm sorry, but I can't discuss the details of the beta programs of other companies products, but Solid Angle works hard to support third-party developers."

Which make sense to me.  Again, woudl be great to see it happen

Vadim Turchin

Ok, thank you for the update

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

We are currently using Arnold in Maya with the latest Ornatrix ( and don't seem to be having issues with it