
Title:Ornatrix overview window when using multiple systems on one mesh
Posted By:Marcus ( Marcus Driessen )
Date Created:3 August 2016


When using for example 6 systems on 1 mesh it can get very hard to quickly select the systemstack you need.

Would be great to have an overview window with al the systems in it. So selecting the system you need  from this window would be very userfriendly and fast:)





Follow Ups

Thank you for the suggestion Marcus. Would you be overviewing all hair inside the scene, or do you want the base object selected and then see all of the hairs which grow from it?

How would this be different from Outlines which already shows all the hair shapes for a mesh?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Marsel,

The way i see it is following.

Say you have eyebrows, lashes, peachfuzz, hairpieces etc. all on one mesh. Then you lose overview and also quickly selecting different peaces can be a pain in the b.. :)

On could use Maya's outliner but that's not working fast to.


So a docked or floating Ornatrix windows with all the pieces in one overview would be nice. I can images this seperatly being at the top of the current Ornatrix window. Selecting al hairlayerit from there would show all it operators below in the same window.


