
Title:Generate curves (instead of hair) from meshstrips
Posted By:Marcus ( Marcus Driessen )
Date Created:14 August 2016


It would be great to get curves generated from meshstrips (or tubes as I mentioned in an other request). These curves could then be used to generate the hair. I think generating curves from meshstrips has more freedom in editing and styling the generated hair from those curves.

At the moment I'm using GMH2 plugin for generating the curves from meshstrips and Xgen for creating curves from tubes (created in zBrush). THe tubeway is great for cretaing more volume with curves and specific shapes.





Follow Ups

Can't you just use the Curves from Strands operator to convert the generated hair to curves?

Also, how is having curves generated from mesh more beneficial to you?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Marsel,

At the moment I'm trying to replicate a workflow from Disney. They use tubes shapes to generate the base curves. I've developed several brushes in zbrush to replicate this workflow. The tube meshes are exported to Maya and then converted to curves with Xgen. Would be greate if Ornatrix could do that same conversion. So that's why I'm asking for that "Generate curves (instead of hair) from meshstrips/tubes"

After generating those curves I create hair from them. Converting Ornatrix hair back to curves would mean I have to create another Ornatrix stack with those curves wich is a bit to complicated. To many steps involved:)

I've attached a paper from Disney wich explains in detail.


Cheers again,


Attached Files:

>hairPipeline.pdf (315303 bytes),

Thanks for the paper, I've glimpsed at it before. Regarding using tubes instead of strips, it is on the TODO, but if you manage to split one of the tube's edges you can effectively make it into a tubular strip (it'll have an unwelded edge along its length). Not sure if that's doable, but it is a workaround for now.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hey Marsel,

I've did a quick test with cutting one edge away and then using the hair from meshstrips function. This is working but not giving the results I'm looking for. The problem with generating hair this way is the interpolation and distribution. So the hair is generated along the edges but not 'inside' the tube. This looks very unatural for hair of course. 

I've generated curves from a few of the hairs generated by the meshstrip function. Then deleted the history on those curves, deleted the Ornatrix stack and created a new Ornatrix stack wich generates hairs from the curves out of previous proces. This works as it should because using the 'hair from guides' node has options for distribution and interpolation. Hair is generated 'inside' the curve volume.

That's why I prefer using these custom curves for generating hair:) Sorry for mentioning Xgen again, but generating curves with their tubegroom function also generates a centered mesh spline/curve. So not only the 'outline' edges. 

Glad to here it's on the TODO list:) I think it's really a great functionality making Ornatrix a strong competitor for Xgen and other hair plugins in Maya.


