
Title:Reverse Clumping - simulate fine feathers?
Posted By:engineeringa52 ( Kevin Bass )
Date Created:3 September 2016

What are you thoughts about something like a "reverse clump"  I am working on a pigeon right now and it almost feels like hairs but I know its feathers.  the feather is almost like multiple hairs coming out of one folicle... that is fanned out?

here is a reference.


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By reverse clump do you mean a clump that is tapered at the root rather than at the tip? Couldn't you use a ramp do create this look?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Not sure away from my workstation, but I would like multiple hairs coming from one follicle that the spread is controlled by a ramp.

I'll play more to see if there is a way to do this now.


here is a quick illustratin of my thought.  A traditional clump would be represented by A.  a reverse clump would generate multiple hairs from a single "folicle" and fan them out.(B)  This can be achieved though the renderShape node but it becomes geo with a opacity map.  Keeping it hair primitives will negate the opacity side of things which can be expensive in vray but retain the hair look control with the VrayHair3Mtl.

make sense?  am i asking too much?




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Have you tried using clustering with the ramp diagram controlling the shape (tapering at the root)?

We actually have a "strand multiplier" operator in 3dsmax which allows cloning hairs at the follicle, but it was not ported to Maya yet. I'll see if we can expedite this.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

The effect technically works but leaves lots of bald spots where the hairs are being pulled from.  The strand multiplier would work great and then i'd guess you'd want to be able to constrain the clustering to a per focile.

there is no rush on this....just a thought.  I've done a penguin before with just hair and clumping ... this would be a good case use for it.



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Please try the new "Multiplier" operator in latest nightly (8652+), it should do exactly what you're after.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

