
Title:Tube hair creation
Posted By:jmarcus ( james marcus )
Date Created:21 March 2017

It would be great if we can create hair from modeled hair geo. What would happen is the artist would take the modeled hair and create curves or guides from them. In practive, they would need to have both ends open and then fill the interior with the guides.

What would be important to have...

1. control over how many guides fill the volume

2. having one central curve in the center. This can be useful when riggin the hair or setting it up for sim.

3. having the option to extract curves from the surface of the volume to retain teh silhouette.



- James

Follow Ups

Thanks for the suggestion, this has been brought up before. We have to be careful with this one though. I'll see what can be done.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Bumping this idea - It would be really useful for my studio workflows as well.

One way we've done a setup in the past was with tube cylinders open on both ends. - Though we needed to have a feature to flip the root/scalp end if it grew in the wrong direction.


- Maj. Dave

(edit) - I see there was another feature request for this @ Request 3294