
Title:Fx Interaction
Posted By:jmarcus ( james marcus )
Date Created:6 April 2017

I amnot sure if it is possible yet but having a way to allow fx interact with the groom would be nice. 

ex: fx outputs a cached geo of lets say Rain. We can bring that in, throw a clump mod on top of the stack and then have a section that points to the geo and uses that as the areas of influence. then also have control on how long that affect holds. 

This feature would be a huge plus for Ornatrix.


Follow Ups

Hi James,

I'm not a VFX artist but do you mean something like this?


Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hey Jeordanis, 


Can you email me this image. It is really low res so I can not make out the text.


- James Marcus

Oh Sorry, this was suppose to be a youtube video. Here it is:

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

No, Here is a better example.


In a production, the cfx artist is simming a character that has Ox Hair. In this shot the character jumps into a puddle. Fx dept would provide a water sim and export that cache as geo. The CFX artist would import that geo and use it as an affector of the hair. They can add in the Ox hair a clump (or any other mod) and in there they can use that fx geo as the region to affect the hair. Similar to what we do with your push nod. 

This is something we'll be addressing during our current "wet hair" research. Although we're also concerned about the actual simulation of hair in various state, the ability to set and control the data which can control different operators is a big part of it.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Hey Marsel,


Sounds good. I know that it is a tough challange, let me know if you need me to help test things out.


- James

For sure will do.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)