
Title:Animation Cache Object - unable to cache without crash [C4D] Ornatrix 2.0.4 + 2.0.5
Posted By:MagicHolo ( Mangold & Mangold Unternehmenskommunikation GmbH & Co. KG )
Date Created:28 July 2020



Using the Animation Cache Object crashes Cinema4D most of the time without a crash report, when the calculation reaches the end of the timeline. When doing it with version 2.0.5 it happened once that a c4d crash report was created.

Steps to Reproduce:

Create a fur object. Used rigged character mesh with animation. At the end of the stack, at the bottom insert an Animation Cach Object, create a file path on disk, select this folder and give a file name in form of and hit record.

For testing purposes, in my lastest example I've also limited the output range to 10 frames. The final project has a length of 2000 frames.

As workaround I also tried the file>ornatrix alembic exporter, that way I was able to export the frames, but loading these back in via the Animation Cach Object gives me a mirrored output in -Z direction and no way of mirroring my original mesh, or the cached hair.

I need to render the hair and underlying mesh at the same time.

Any advice?

"... when the calculation reaches the end of the timeline." <- That is not exactly correct: The crash happenes when the progress bar "Recording Animation" reaches 100%.

The same crash is also happening in the lastest stable version 1.0.8.


Is this the same issue as: ??

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Yes, same issue, but I thought it would better belong to acrash/critical bug, than general discussion.