I was so excited to dive into learning Ornatrix and can't get by the first step! I've simply added the furball hair to a sphere, but it does not show up on the actual sphere (making it editable is the same). Any ideas as to why? Many thanks! |
| The hairs will also show up in the render view, but just not seeing the actual hair guides. |
| Hi, The first step is to make sure your system meets the minimum requirements to run Ornatrix. Find the minimum requirements here. Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |
| Thanks for the reply! My system does meet the minimum requirements. I also tested by downloading a trial of c4d R24 and the R24 ornatrix demo and the guides showed up! So I'm not sure if it's a bug of some sort for R21? |
| You don't get this problem with Ornatrix demo on R24? This only happens on R21? What exact version of R21 do you have? Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |
| I tried R21.207, with Ornatrix demo. It seems to work fine here. I can see the hair: Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |
| Hmmmm I wonder what it is that I can't see them in the R21 version. And yes that's correct - I can see the guides in R24, but not R21. I'm using R21.207. |
| What GPU and Graphics Drivers are you using? It could be related to that. Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |
| I'm using a geforce rtx 2080ti and NVIDIA studio driver. I updated the driver yesterday to version 471.68 thinking that might have been the cause, but no luck! |
| Can you try the game drivers? Just for testing. You can go back to studio drivers after that. Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |
| Will try that out and get back to you! Just started up a render, but as soo as it's done I'll give that a go! |
| Ok took a few days, but finally tried the game driver and had the same result. Still can't see the guides unfortunately! |
| Hi again, sorry for the delay. I'm still unable to reproduce this issue. I tried on Windows and Mac. I will ask someone else in the team to try and get back to you. Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.) |