How best control Hair quantity by area?

Posted by:clebercoutinho
Data created:28 April 2020


What would be the best way to control hair quantity by area?

Areas with LONG hair = less hair quantity

Areas with very short hair = more hair quantity

Should I create one HairFromGuide and setup maps
Or best create several HairFromGuide nodes and setup masks individually?

or something else?


The options you just mentioned worth trying, there is no right or wrong way. You can also try using Generate Strand Data node. Use this node to create a strand channel based on strand length, then use this channel as distribution channel in Hair from Guides. Now the hair amount will be termined by the strand length procedurally (If you change the guide length the hair will be generated ). 

Marsel is working on a new operator that will remove hair based on some criteria, like guide length for example, but this is for the next major version. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Thanks Jeordanis :)
I will give few tries :)

Cheers :)

I forgot the doc link for Generate Strand Data:

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis,

When I try use two HairFromGuide.

Ornatrix bugs. hair become planes

do you have any video explaining how to use the GenerateStrandData node to controls hair vs quantity? It would be great to apply this. 
I will check docs too..



Can you show me a screenshot? The hair strands should look like planes, then you have to use ChangeWidth node to set the desired strand width. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)