releasing licences

Posted by:StudioLocal
Data created:5 June 2020

hi. i sent an email to support but got an error message from my browser so im not confident they got it. Maybe someone here can help. We own a V2 licence and because of Covid 19 I need to release the licence and move our licence back to my home machine to perform a groom then in a few days move it back to the studio for rendering. Is this possible? thanks


Follow the instructions found here to release your license. 

Do you remember the error code that you got in the message form? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I'm sorry but i dont remember exactly. The warning flashed up at the top of the browser page. Thanks for your reply and thanks for making it easy to move licences around from machine to machine. Yeti is not like that. Hassle free is good!