Feature Requests

(75 - 86 of 86) « Prev 1234
This feature is being consideredFuture requests
16 September 2015 by Gregg
This feature is being consideredKill Volume
11 September 2015 by michaelwbell
This feature is being consideredInherit animation/velocity from previous frame
9 September 2015 by geislerbros
can your guy make liquid static selecting vectors
1 August 2017 by delltro
Separate FleX solvers in one scene
27 August 2016 by serpin
What about a "visual preview"?
24 August 2016 by rodrigotrovao
This feature was implementedhome / studio license
18 June 2016 by nic
This feature was implementedflex 1.0 available
18 March 2016 by nickolay411
This feature was implementedSave out velocity channel with PRTs
8 February 2016 by tobbeo
This feature was implemented'Enabled' Checkbox for Lucid Attachment
16 December 2015 by michaelwbell
Particle size per Object
6 June 2016 by secondplace
Please Do not ignore this request it valuable
24 May 2016 by AaliDGr8
(75 - 86 of 86) « Prev 1234