What's New in Version 5
- Table of contents
- What's New in Version 5
New Features
- New Push Away from Surface modifier
- New Guides from Shape Object
- New MaxScript function and toolbar button to (de|a)ttach selected strand objects to their surfaces
- Ability to toggle longitudal and directional changes by Surface Comb modifier
- Propagation modifier uses per-vertex transforms instead of calculating its own
- New Generate Guide Data modifier
- Allowed Hair from Guides Modifier to use guide channel to control guide distribution
- New option to mirror all brushing changes along current viewport's vertical/horizontal center, or along the mesh's center.
- Added and simplified channel group visualization for guides
- New"Import multiple splines" option to Edit Guides modifier
- New button to create new per-guide channel and assign it to a specific strand parameter
- New button to create new vertex color channel and assign it to a specific strand parameter
- New Hair from Particles object
- Implemented sinks detaching/reattaching in Surface Comb modifier
- Allowed detaching roots in Guides from Surface modifier
- Using "Remember Clusters" button in Hair Clustering modifier
- Changed Hair from Guides modifier root generation to have viewport preview be a subset of render hairs
- New Guides from Hair modifier
- New Cache modifier capable of storing output hair and guides if input stops being valid
- Allowed user to add a groom which has base curves and ground strands modifier to a mesh
- New "Apply Amount" parameter in Edit Guides modifier
- Updated Strand Animation modifier to allow Alembic animation time rescaling and handling of different point counts
- Allowed assigning guide channel values through a new Edit Guides modifier rollout
- Brush settings in Edit Guides modifier are now independent for each brush
- Added pen pressure sensitivity to Edit Guides modifier brushes
- New "viewport preview only" option in Hair Clustering modifier
- Added tooltips to all hair clustering modifier parameters to clarify their function
- Added minimum and maximum allowed values to Length modifier
- New Strand Group option in Strand Multiplier modifier
- New buttons to cycle through a selection of hair strips
- Right clicking while dragging a brush in Edit Guides now cancels current action
- New strand group option in Mesh from Strands modifier
- When Remember Hair Positions option is on viewport uses the cached hairs
- Moved Edit Guides guide options into own rollout, make them persistent, and add tooltips
- Moved external collision object selection from Gravity modifier to Push Away From Surface modifier
- New "Use World Coordinates" option to Alembic exporter
- Baked Hair object displays a percentage of render hair, viewport preview is generated on the fly
- Curve diagrams can save and load presets
- New symmetry options in Surface Comb modifier
- Grooms can have a "Sphere" base object primitive, minimizing groom file size and simplifying most of them
- Ground Strands modifier is assigned base surface as distribution object when creating a groom
- Made Strand Multiplier modifier and Push Away from Surface modifier part of hair groom
- Switched to using Detach button toggle in Ground Strands modifier instead of Ground button
- Clustering followed by strand frizz on a deforming mesh causes popping
- Length modifier applies to strands with group 0 in all cases
- Cloning object with SurfaceCombModifier does not preserve sinks
- Texture coordinates not passed to V-Ray when using Hair from Mesh Strips
- Clustering takes too much time for many strands due to Max array storage
- Use guide distance and guide distance options in HFG don't do anything
- Collapse All for a large hair stack sometimes crashes Max
- SDK zip file is missing required headers
- Removed: Unused sub-object levels in hair clustering modifier
- Changed Hair from Guides root generation to have viewport preview be a subset of render hairs
- Crash when applying Strand Propagation modifier on top of hair and changing distribution type
- Hair from guides generated flickering hair when guides have near-0 length
- Grooms dialog not showing icons for entries in Max 2017
- Near-zero length strands cause popping when meshed
- Crash when reducing guide point count before Edit Guides modifier and brushing guides
- Strand groups are not automatically updated by HairFromGuidesModifier
- All topology based orientation options are on by default and have tooltips
- Frizz causes jaggy results when applied above dynamics or wavy hair
- Cull back-facing roots option does not affect brushing
- Edit guides sub-object mode icons not displayed clearly in Max 2017
- Hide and Freeze guides options in Edit Guides modifier always hide and freeze all strands on first try
- When Show End Result is on and Hide Backfacing is on the Edit Guides gizmo does not hide backfacing guides
- Turning off "Root Transforms" option in Hair form Guides produces incorrect hair shape
- Crash when deleting guides in a multi-layered Edit Guides modifier
- Crash when removing surface comb sinks in some loaded scenes
- Surface comb produces assertions/crash sometimes when only one sink is present
- Unknown System Exception error followed by a crash sometimes when adding hair to curves
- Edit Guides control points become detached from guides and don't snap back when move operation is canceled
- Hair From Guides State Not Greyed-out accordingly to "Remember Rooots" position.
- Crash when detaching roots of hair which has Edit Guides modifier in it
- Brushing produces incorrect results when in Zoom and Pan viewport mode
- Hair from mesh strips crash when applying FFD to hair strips
- Move brush not using view plane when not in surface mode
- Removed 32-bit support
- Crash when changing Target Channel in Ox Generate Guide Data
- Crash when opening some old scenes (Bat example)
- Ornatrix: HairClusteringModifier::Data::Apply time message spams listener
- Crash and missing guides update after sink deletion
- 'GetString' function in "Ornatrix_DllEntry.cpp" incorrectly uses WinAPI function `LoadString`
- Edit guides does not show groups created by Strand Propagation modifier
- Propagated guides don't update when brushing the stem guide in Edit Guides
- Unable to create the sinks in Surface Comb modifier
- Strand animation modifier load dialog gives erratic options
- Errors when creating grooms from certain modifier configurations
- Edit Guides gizmo does not update properly with propagated guides
- `SurfaceCombModifier::DrawAndHit` crashes sometimes
- When brushing and undoing in Edit Guides modifier incoming strand channels are reset
- Render flickering when twist is used in guide clustering
Missing Something? Let us know if this page needs more information about the topic.