Purchasing Reseller Licenses 

This document is for existing Ephere pre-authorized resellers. If you would like to become an authorized reseller for our products please contact us.

When you become a reseller for one or more products on our website we will issue you a special discount code. This code can be used to pre-purchase license keys at a special discount. The discount code will also provide you a special way to purchase license codes instead of purchasing licenses for the product directly.


License Codes 

License codes are special 16-character keys which can be used by users to create a product license. When purchasing a license from the website they can simply enter code to activate their license. These license codes are redistributable and resellable (only by our authorized resellers).


Purchasing License Codes 

A reseller can purchase one or more license codes at a time directly from our website. To purchase a license code simply go to the product's purchase page as you would normally and enter your reseller discount.

Note that you now get a reseller's rate (instead of normal rates) and volume rates will apply on top of your discount (so, purchasing more licenses will give you even a bigger discount). Also note the message stating that you are purchasing license keys instead of direct licenses for the product. You can then enter your payment method to purchase the codes.

Once your payment is processed you will see your purchased licensed codes inside the licensing page. You may access the licensing page by going to the product's main URL and adding "/licensing.html" at the end (for example, ephere.com/plugins/autodesk/max/ornatrix/licensing.html).

You may now resell these codes to your customers and provide them with instructions on how to activate these codes.

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