Licensing Multiple Products on Same Computer 

If you own licenses of more than one products from Ephere you can choose to install them side by side inside the same license server. If you have multiple licenses of the same product you can install them all inside the same license server as floating licenses.


Releasing Previously Installed Licenses 

If you have previously installed some of the licenses on another computer and want to move them to another computer please use the licenses page to release them. You can read more about the process in the license moving doc.


Installing Licenses Sequentially 

After all desired licenses are free or if they were never used yet you can start by installing the license for one of the products. Use the downloads page for the product to find the Install license server only text. Click 1 License or All Licenses link, depending on whether you want to install single or all licenses, to download and install the license.

After the license has been installed, repeat the step above with all other products for which you want to set up licenses on current computer. Installing license server for each product will reinstall the license server on your computer each time adding the selected licenses to it while keeping previously assigned licenses.

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