General information 


Everything connected 

Unitscape's boolean shape system was designed as a means to spatially connect all the areas of a map ( mountains, forests, fields, roads, cities, buildings,...) with one-another thus providing more detailed spatial information about the environment (that can also be used for agent navigation) while at the same time making level design much easier by offering a non destructive workflow with a set of easy to use (and easy to randomize) world shaping tools along with powerful procedural content generation methods.


Boolean operations and shape attachment 

By default Unitscape shapes are cut according to their shape layering index, meaning that a shape at the top level will cut a hole into all the shapes that are placed below it.
When a shape component is attached to another shape component (in the component tree) the child shape will cut the parent shape (since it is automatically assumed that the child will be blaced "above" the parent". In addition to that the child shape is also being cut by the parent shape at its border(to assure the child shape will not overlap the parent shape).

To change the shape's layering index you can use the "Send to front" / "Send to back" buttons in the Overlay Menu.

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