


Hair with little gravity applied (left) and stronger gravity (right)

This modifier is a helper component to allow you to cheat the effect of gravity on hair quickly and intuitively. A special slope graph lets you adjust how much gravity is applied along the length of the strands (this can also be controlled through a map). You can also control gravity direction, global amount, and even add collision objects to prevent hair from going into them.

  • Change Gravity Direction Can be used to indicate the direction of the gravity force. Rotate the gizmo to change the direction.
  • Collide With Distribution Mesh
    Allows the hair to collide with the distribution mesh. More Collision Meshes can be added in the Collision Meshes Box.


  • Repel
    Offset by which the hair will be repelled away from collision objects.
  • Force
    The amount of gravity force applied to the hair.
  • Force Channel
    Use a Guide Channel to control the Force amount.
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